Winter Specials 2017
1.Bell .50 cal. Recoil adapter package consists of parts and pieces of E-11 .50 cal. recoil adapters. Remnants of E-11s recovered from a disposal site. Some are rusty, some good casting, can probably make 2 complete E-11s and parts for on request by email. (SOLD)
2. C-345/RC-35 spark plugs,N.O.S ( $8.00)
3. P-1 generator,shelf worn w/ prot. cardbd. ($200.00)
4. AN4101(9135) engine driven fuel pump, core ($35.00)
5. AN5531 Tach generator, std.WWII good cond,surplus ( $35.00 ea.,2 for $60.00,3 for $75.00)
6. JH6 starter, good core ($200.00)
7. Voltage regulator P/N 1589 ($35.00)
8. Switch covers, red, surplus, good condition
A. marked Guns and Ammo ($25.00)
B. marked Bomb Arming ($25.00)
C. "Starter" ($15.00)
D. "Fire Ext" ($15.00)
E. "Armanent Master" ($20.00)
F. " Wing Radar Release" ($25.00)
G. "Master Gun" ($25.00)
H. "Salvo" ($25.00)
9. Switch guard-channel style, marked,"Bombs-Off-Rockets" ($25.00)
10. Curtiss Electric propeller switch guard, red&blue, w/prop on cover ($25.00)
11. Metal switch guard, marked "Armament Masters" ($15.00)
12. Switch guards marked "Steady-Off-Key", for IFF lights, have red, amber,and green
( $15.00 ea. all for $40.00 )
13. De Havilland Venom gun blast panels. Fuselage panel w/gun blast tubes. Perfect for nose art, or wall hanging ($135.00 ea.)
14. F-104 Starfighter nose gear door. Nice panel good for art also. ($150.00)
15. F-80 Shooting Star nose wheel gear doors nice data plate marked for F-80 or T-33 ($150.00)
16. Type A-5 Bomb release ( $65.00)
17. Type B-10 Bomb shackles N.O.S ( $95.00)
18. P-39 Airacobra brake stator-rotors, 10 stators, 2 rotors, N.O.S (SOLD)
19. Type N-6 Gun Camera ($85.00)
20. Type N-6 Gun Sight N.O.S still in box ($135.00)
21. F-80/T-33 Shooting Star rudder pedals ( pair S195.00)
22. F-86 Sabre Jet rudder pedals ( $125.00 ea. $225.00 pair )
23. F-104 Starfighter rudder pedals ( pair $175.00)
24. P-39 armor glass frames, frame only ( SOLD )
25. P-39D fuel guage, nicely marked P-39D on face (SOLD)26.Type C-14 Airspeed indicator, 0-300 ($85.00)
27. A-8 Cockpit lamp, marked Army Air Corps ($45.00)
28. P-39 Airacobra gun charging handles, for wing .30 cal., w/cable. ($100.00 ea. or 4 for $375.00)
29. J&H Gearbox, for handcrank inertia starter, w/ handcrank N.O.S ($135.00)
30. Type B-3 control unit, by Sperry ($65.00)
31. .30 cal Ammo box w/beveled bottom ,slight twkd ($55.00)
32. .30 cal. Ammo box w/flat bottom ($45.00)
33. .30 cal. Holder for ammo box ,slightly tweaked ($95.00)
34. .50 cal. Flash suppressors, B-17 chin or tail or B-24.As is, pair,rare original ($185.00)
35. P-40 gun charging handle N.O.S ( SOLD)
36. .50 cal. gun charging solenoid, for wing guns have 3 ( $50.00 ea.)
37. AN27IB16, NON boot style flap track,bomb bay u-joint NOS ($14.00 ea.)
38. Ball Turret solenoid switch ($35.00)
39. Blue ceramic exhaust stacks, B-25 ( $65.00)
40. .50 cal. link ejectors ($45.00 short, $50.00 ea. long)
41. F-89 Scorpion tail fin cap ( $95.00)
42. Martin Turret, 50. cal . ammo booster motor ( $60.00 ea.)
43. Pump, fuel, Pesco, type F-4B, new in box w/tag SAC A.D, W/Helen Palmer, Inspector ($60.00)44. Handcrank w/ 10in, ext, heavy duty ( $50.00)
45. Signal mirror, from survival kit, N.O.S in box ( $30.00)
46. Mounting tube for relief tube ($20.00)
47. E-13 Recoil adapter heel plate, for mounting K-13 sight ($35.00)
48. RE3ML6-2N Cowl flap, rod end bearing , surplus ($26.00 ea.)
49. Lord mount bolts, B-17 ect. RL15 ( SOLD) 50. Lord mount bolts, B-17 ect. RL15-4 ( SOLD)
51. PT-19 Fairchild rudder pedals ($95.00 ea., $185.00 pair)
52. Pedigree parts
Pedigreed parts have orginal parts tags that identify the aircraft, giving serial number for that exact aircraft. You can research the history of that aircraft and have a true artifact . You might also find a photo or more history on the net.
A. F-86D Sabre Jet AN-N6 gun camera ($95.00)
B. F-89D-25 NO Scorpion wiper converter, black finned unit, A/C S/N's 51-11364, 51-11365, 51-11376 ($25.00)
C. B-24H 41-28652 A-1 oxygen flow indicator ( red ball) ( $50.00)
D. B-24E 41-28652 A-3 oxygen fow indicator ( blinker) ( $40.00)
E. RB-24E 41-29018 A-1 oxygen flow indicator ( red ball) ($50.00)
F. B-24D 42-72938 oxygen flow indicator ( blinker) ($40.00)
G. P-70 Douglas Nightfighter, S/N 39-749, tach, 0-35 ($75.00)
53. Flap limit switch, W/mtg. bracket ( $20.00)
54. Hydraulic reservoir for Consolidated or Motor B-24 tail turret, exc. condition ( $85.00)
55. Martin 250CE turret azimuth/elevator knobs, N.O.S, in orginal wrapper black phenolic, w/ brass insert, B-24 etc. ( $25.00)
56. Relief tube- when you gotta go you gotta have one ( $25.00)
57. B-17/B-29 control yoke microphone switches, original ( $17.95)
58. TBM Avenger parts package, nose bowl, ventral gun mount, ammo box, armor plate and various turret parts (SOLD)
59. 727 Nose, includes flight deck, cockpit, and engineer area, Mounted in steel frame . Good display.
60. Bendix chin turret operation manual for B-17, pocket size manual in color by Bendix, ( $25.00)
61. ADF " Football" antenna,std. WWII antenna surplus ( $90.00)
62. Dual Magneto Switch used on B-17, B-25,and C-47s N.O.S ( $119.00)
63. B-17 Flap Switch , P/N 8909K532 ($16.95)
64. Full size B&W blow up of instrument panel for B-17F, taken from an original Boeing print ( $16.95)
65. Jewell radio service kit in case ( $37.50)
66. Regulator, continuos flow guage, pressure, O2 ( $37.50)
67. B-17 Windscreens, L&R, Knock-out panel style , complete ( $1,295.00 pair)
68. T-28 Trojan Canopy, pilot's sliding , good glass&frame ( $275.00)