Current B-17 Supplemental Listing
Most items are rare, original, or faithful reproductions. B-17 FLYING FORTRESS PARTS LISTING (503)310-7215 cell phone [email protected]
This merchandise is offered for display or historical purpose only. It’s suitability is to be determined by the buyer, As to it’s use
or airworthiness, we do not offer any warranty nor suitability for actual aircraft use of any type. Shipping and handling is extra. For better details or information , we can provide photos by e-mail.
1. Trailing Antenna Component set, less control box (SOLD)
2. Windshield Wiper Control Nameplate (SOLD)
3. Short S/S Ammo Flex Chute for .50 Cal. ($75.00)
4. Reproduction De-Icer control, on Pilot's left ($65.00)
5. Windshield wiper torque converter by Marquette ($39.95)
6. Motor assy; windshield wiper, by Marquette surplus ($45.00)
7. Wiper drive assy; P/N B14767 exc. condition ($19.50)
8. Clip and snap, for ammo container/link case, w/o strap ($16.95)
9. Clear Passing Lamp for Vertical Fin ($45.00)
10. Spark Plugs type (LS-85)-81 N.O. S ($13.95 ea.)
11. Radio/antenna insulator porcelain
A. IN 79 ($7.95 ea. )
B. IN 84 ($9.95 ea)
C Command radio ($12.95 ea)
12. Bonding Strap, Magneto PN BAC79641-46 ($17.95)
13. Red or Blue Passing Lamps ($35.00)
14. 8715K2 toggle switch ($12.95)
15. 8747K2 toggle switch ($12.95)
16. AN3023-1/8/10 toggle switches (12.95 ea.)
17. B-6B toggle switches (12..95)
18. Plugs for electronic turbo supercharger control box ($.95 ea.)
19. B-17G cutaway drawing, B&W (24x36 $4.98, 36x48 $9.95)
20. "Target Berlin" by Jeffrey Ethell SC, Mission 250,6 March,1944 ($17.00)
21. " Hell's Angels" by Steve Birdsall Rare O.O.P; SC nose art book ($22.95)
22. " Flying Fortress Story" by Roger Freeman, HC, Rare, O.O.P ( $95.00)
23. "Mighty Eighth" by Roger Freeman, HB original story of mighty 8th ($45.00)
24. " Airfields Of The 8th AF. Then and Now" HB, leather edition ($145.00)
25. "Final Cut" by Scott Thompson, S, 4th ed. Story of all postwar, current B-17's ($22.95)
26. "Flying Fortress" by Thomas Collison, HB 1943 edition, early B-17 to B-17F good info ($12.00)
27. " Mighty Eighth In Color" by Roger Freeman, HC, good condition ($22.95)
28. " Winged Majesty" by Frederick A. Johnsen, SC, good story of B-17 , color ($9.95)
29. " Chick's Crew" by Ben Smith, SC story of 303rd B-17 crew ($17.95)
A1. B-17 Reproduction Control Yoke Cap ($125.00)
A2. B-17 style anti-static cord/wire N.O.S ($16.95 ea.)
A3. B-17 entry door emergency release handle for pilot's or tail gunner's hatch. Handle with wires and two pins were
used to jettison door. This was the last thing done before bailing out;( besides making sure you had a parachute.)
Original in new condition in new condition, some with tags for display. ( $39.95 ea.)
A4. B-17 main crew door emergency release handle. Similar to item A3. but with three pins. This was for non com
s, far from officer's country (SOLD)
A5. B-17 rubber spacers for armor plating, P/N 1554-63-27 ($14.95 a box)
A6. B-17 Landing gear axle, cut from full unit. Good for wheel display ($25.00ea, 40.00 pair)
A7. Cockpit Mockup Trainer Starter Pkg., Throttle Quad., Control Yokes, Carb Intercooler, Interphone Equip.,
Instrument Panel, Frame, Rudder Pedals, Suit Heaters, Etc., Inquire for more. Photos. (SOLD)
A8. B-17 factory data plate, Done for restoration, but we have extras, Quality acid etched plates; specify
Boeing , Douglas, Vega, or Lockheed. ( $95.00)
A9. B-17 bombardier's window wiper blade. Mint with tag. Good for display ($45.00)
A10. B-17 throttle quadrant power setting decal. Mounts on quadrant. Don't guess at those settings,
or you may get your feet wet. ($5.95)
A11. Assortment of Boeing pulleys, 7 pulleys, some N.O.S/ surplus (All for $75.00)
A12. Supercharger Air Duct Clamp, 6-16886, Surplus from Kingman ($17.95)
A13.Compass antenna, mounts on bottom of fuselage, 2 posts, blocks, and insulator ($75.00)
A14 Classic 8 Day Clock, needs service. 1945 ($95.00)
A15. B-17 keying switch N.O.S ($17.95)
A16. B-17 instrument panel label sets. New reproduction of B-17 panel labels. They are semi-gloss and
adhesive backed. Just cut them out, peel and stick.
A. B-17 3 main panel set, from Movie "Memphis Belle" panel ($69.95)
B. B-17 R/H panels, Carb. Air Filter, Mesh/Start, Fire Ext. labels ($29.95) C. B-17 Flying Fortress nameplate label, from orig. drawing ($9.95)
D. B-17 full panel set. Contains A, C, and D sets. ($89.95)
E. B-17 G full panel set Contains B, C and E sets. ($89.95)
F. B-17 mag and cowl flap control panel set. ($29.95)
G.B-17 Power setting label for throttle quadrant. ($6.95) H. B-17 Bombardier's panel label set. Labels to build your own panel. ($24.95)
A17. B-5 Drift Meter, in original carton, marked " Boeing. " This is a rare Boeing B-17 spare part, still New Old Stock,
never installed. Mint (SOLD)
A18. Veteran, Original B-17 Flying Fortress load adjusters, with serial # of B-17 they were removed from.
These came from Altus and Kingman, A.A.B.s in the late 1940's as the close out of B-17 parts. They come with a certificate of authenticity and a copy of the manual for its use. They also come with a short history of that aircraft. This is probably the last remnant of these B-17's. They are true pieces of history.
($249.95 ea.)
A. 42-102966 B-17G-60-BO, 534th B.S. 381st B.G. Avengress II SOLD
B. 43-38692 B-17G-95-BO, Ass. 560th B.S. 388th B.G 9-25-444168th B.U. South Plains, Texas 7-3-45
C. 43-38936 B-17G -100-BO Ass.324th B.S, 91st BG,11-29-44. 4168th B.U. South Plains, Texas 6-3-45
D. 44-6234, RB-17G-45-DL, Ass. to 3501st Bomb Unit, Boca Raton, FL
F. 43-38127, B-17G-80-BO, Ass. 535th B.G., Trans 303rd, Re-Ass. 398th B.G 5-22-45, "Pair of Queens" "Gee and Bee" Ass 4168th B.U, South Plains, Texas
G. 43-39423 B-17G, 110-BO Assigned 8th AF 3-26-45, 4168th B.U. South Plains, Texas 5-24-45
H. 42-102900, TB-17G-60 , 3017th B.U, Hobbs, New Mexico, 3701st B.U Amarillo, Texas
I. 44-6169, B-17G-45-DL, Slated for 94th B.G. ,Trans. to 1377th B.U, Grenier Field , 4185th B.U. Independence
J. 44-6509, B-17G-55-DL, Ass. to 748th B.S. 457th B.G 9-30-44 Trans to 4168th B.U. South Plains , Texas 6-13-45
K. 43-37538, B-17G-65-BO, Ass. 535th B.S, 381st B.G , "Wild Bill" , Ass. 4168th B.U., South Plains, Texas SOLD
A19. B-17 resin reproduction control yoke, with cap mount. (SOLD) A20. B-17 Flap Position Indicator ($150.00)
A21. Turret micro switch, B-17&B-29, used surplus, w/ bracket ($14.95)
A22. N-6 Gunsight, as used in B-17, N.O.S. Exc. Cond. (SOLD) A23. A-12 Oxygen regulators ($39.95)
A24 K-13 Gunsight Lamp Holder & Hsg., ($15.95)
A25. Gasket, collar. duct, air ($4.95 ea., 4 for $17.50)
A26. N-6 Gunsight Polarizing Shade ($49.95)
A-27 Flap Limit Switch ($16.95)
A-28 K-13 Control Knob Plastic shield, N.O.S. ($24.95)
A-29 Type AN270-16 U-joint, N.O.S., Flap track, bomb bay ($14.95 EA)
A-30 Spark plug, N.O.S., for use in R-1820-97 Type ($17.95 EA or QTY price)
A-31 K-13 Gunsight Polarizing Filter (mint $37.50, w/ separation $27.50)
A-32 Pilot and Copilot's sliding side windows, complete, nice, N.O.S., (pair, $595.00)
A-33 Crash Axe ($75.00)
A-34 ADF antenna - "football" ($90.00)
A-35 B-10 bomb shackles, N.O.S. (SOLD)
A-36 Pin, ring, and spring for bomb sling, N.O.S. ($14.00)
A-37 Thermocouple lead, inside tubing, N.O.S. ($15.95)
A-38 Starter cable, N.O.S. ($16.95)
A-39 Prop dome handle ($50.00)
A-40 Toggle switch extensions, mount on regular toggle switches for illumination ($4.95 EA)
A-41 Trailing antenna reel ($16.50)
A-42 N-8 Gunsight Polarizing Filter glass, used in B-17s ($18.00)
A-43 Original B-17 spark plug, N.O.S., new in tube, AC LS85, dated 1943 or 1944. For use or souvenir ($19.95)
A-44 Boeing B-17 grounding strap, N.O.S., for El. system ($14.95)
A-45 K-13 Gunsight Top section, with sight beads. Mounted on B-17 Waist gun. Less hood. (SOLD)
A-46 B-17 fire extinguisher control, repro, w/red handles and selector (no valves) For display panels. Nice. ($149.95)
A-47 Gibson Girl emergency radio shells, good for display ($30.00)
A-48 Antenna wire reel for Gibson Girl ($24.95)
A-49 B-17 Black A.D.F. antenna, (Football) ($250.00)
A-50 R1820 cylinder base bolts, N.O.S. (10 for $5.00)
A-51 ILS Indicator for Instrument Panel, cracked glass. ($25.00)
A-52 R1820 plugs, N.O.S. (10 for $2.50)
A-53 Link bag for .50 Cal. nice, canvas ($45.00)
A-54 C-1 formation stick w/o grip ($130.00)
A-55 Co-pilot's Slider, some etching ($135.00)
A-56 B-17 Control Yoke Cap Mount, original ($95.00)
This merchandise is offered for display or historical purpose only. It’s suitability is to be determined by the buyer, As to it’s use
or airworthiness, we do not offer any warranty nor suitability for actual aircraft use of any type. Shipping and handling is extra. For better details or information , we can provide photos by e-mail.
1. Trailing Antenna Component set, less control box (SOLD)
2. Windshield Wiper Control Nameplate (SOLD)
3. Short S/S Ammo Flex Chute for .50 Cal. ($75.00)
4. Reproduction De-Icer control, on Pilot's left ($65.00)
5. Windshield wiper torque converter by Marquette ($39.95)
6. Motor assy; windshield wiper, by Marquette surplus ($45.00)
7. Wiper drive assy; P/N B14767 exc. condition ($19.50)
8. Clip and snap, for ammo container/link case, w/o strap ($16.95)
9. Clear Passing Lamp for Vertical Fin ($45.00)
10. Spark Plugs type (LS-85)-81 N.O. S ($13.95 ea.)
11. Radio/antenna insulator porcelain
A. IN 79 ($7.95 ea. )
B. IN 84 ($9.95 ea)
C Command radio ($12.95 ea)
12. Bonding Strap, Magneto PN BAC79641-46 ($17.95)
13. Red or Blue Passing Lamps ($35.00)
14. 8715K2 toggle switch ($12.95)
15. 8747K2 toggle switch ($12.95)
16. AN3023-1/8/10 toggle switches (12.95 ea.)
17. B-6B toggle switches (12..95)
18. Plugs for electronic turbo supercharger control box ($.95 ea.)
19. B-17G cutaway drawing, B&W (24x36 $4.98, 36x48 $9.95)
20. "Target Berlin" by Jeffrey Ethell SC, Mission 250,6 March,1944 ($17.00)
21. " Hell's Angels" by Steve Birdsall Rare O.O.P; SC nose art book ($22.95)
22. " Flying Fortress Story" by Roger Freeman, HC, Rare, O.O.P ( $95.00)
23. "Mighty Eighth" by Roger Freeman, HB original story of mighty 8th ($45.00)
24. " Airfields Of The 8th AF. Then and Now" HB, leather edition ($145.00)
25. "Final Cut" by Scott Thompson, S, 4th ed. Story of all postwar, current B-17's ($22.95)
26. "Flying Fortress" by Thomas Collison, HB 1943 edition, early B-17 to B-17F good info ($12.00)
27. " Mighty Eighth In Color" by Roger Freeman, HC, good condition ($22.95)
28. " Winged Majesty" by Frederick A. Johnsen, SC, good story of B-17 , color ($9.95)
29. " Chick's Crew" by Ben Smith, SC story of 303rd B-17 crew ($17.95)
A1. B-17 Reproduction Control Yoke Cap ($125.00)
A2. B-17 style anti-static cord/wire N.O.S ($16.95 ea.)
A3. B-17 entry door emergency release handle for pilot's or tail gunner's hatch. Handle with wires and two pins were
used to jettison door. This was the last thing done before bailing out;( besides making sure you had a parachute.)
Original in new condition in new condition, some with tags for display. ( $39.95 ea.)
A4. B-17 main crew door emergency release handle. Similar to item A3. but with three pins. This was for non com
s, far from officer's country (SOLD)
A5. B-17 rubber spacers for armor plating, P/N 1554-63-27 ($14.95 a box)
A6. B-17 Landing gear axle, cut from full unit. Good for wheel display ($25.00ea, 40.00 pair)
A7. Cockpit Mockup Trainer Starter Pkg., Throttle Quad., Control Yokes, Carb Intercooler, Interphone Equip.,
Instrument Panel, Frame, Rudder Pedals, Suit Heaters, Etc., Inquire for more. Photos. (SOLD)
A8. B-17 factory data plate, Done for restoration, but we have extras, Quality acid etched plates; specify
Boeing , Douglas, Vega, or Lockheed. ( $95.00)
A9. B-17 bombardier's window wiper blade. Mint with tag. Good for display ($45.00)
A10. B-17 throttle quadrant power setting decal. Mounts on quadrant. Don't guess at those settings,
or you may get your feet wet. ($5.95)
A11. Assortment of Boeing pulleys, 7 pulleys, some N.O.S/ surplus (All for $75.00)
A12. Supercharger Air Duct Clamp, 6-16886, Surplus from Kingman ($17.95)
A13.Compass antenna, mounts on bottom of fuselage, 2 posts, blocks, and insulator ($75.00)
A14 Classic 8 Day Clock, needs service. 1945 ($95.00)
A15. B-17 keying switch N.O.S ($17.95)
A16. B-17 instrument panel label sets. New reproduction of B-17 panel labels. They are semi-gloss and
adhesive backed. Just cut them out, peel and stick.
A. B-17 3 main panel set, from Movie "Memphis Belle" panel ($69.95)
B. B-17 R/H panels, Carb. Air Filter, Mesh/Start, Fire Ext. labels ($29.95) C. B-17 Flying Fortress nameplate label, from orig. drawing ($9.95)
D. B-17 full panel set. Contains A, C, and D sets. ($89.95)
E. B-17 G full panel set Contains B, C and E sets. ($89.95)
F. B-17 mag and cowl flap control panel set. ($29.95)
G.B-17 Power setting label for throttle quadrant. ($6.95) H. B-17 Bombardier's panel label set. Labels to build your own panel. ($24.95)
A17. B-5 Drift Meter, in original carton, marked " Boeing. " This is a rare Boeing B-17 spare part, still New Old Stock,
never installed. Mint (SOLD)
A18. Veteran, Original B-17 Flying Fortress load adjusters, with serial # of B-17 they were removed from.
These came from Altus and Kingman, A.A.B.s in the late 1940's as the close out of B-17 parts. They come with a certificate of authenticity and a copy of the manual for its use. They also come with a short history of that aircraft. This is probably the last remnant of these B-17's. They are true pieces of history.
($249.95 ea.)
A. 42-102966 B-17G-60-BO, 534th B.S. 381st B.G. Avengress II SOLD
B. 43-38692 B-17G-95-BO, Ass. 560th B.S. 388th B.G 9-25-444168th B.U. South Plains, Texas 7-3-45
C. 43-38936 B-17G -100-BO Ass.324th B.S, 91st BG,11-29-44. 4168th B.U. South Plains, Texas 6-3-45
D. 44-6234, RB-17G-45-DL, Ass. to 3501st Bomb Unit, Boca Raton, FL
F. 43-38127, B-17G-80-BO, Ass. 535th B.G., Trans 303rd, Re-Ass. 398th B.G 5-22-45, "Pair of Queens" "Gee and Bee" Ass 4168th B.U, South Plains, Texas
G. 43-39423 B-17G, 110-BO Assigned 8th AF 3-26-45, 4168th B.U. South Plains, Texas 5-24-45
H. 42-102900, TB-17G-60 , 3017th B.U, Hobbs, New Mexico, 3701st B.U Amarillo, Texas
I. 44-6169, B-17G-45-DL, Slated for 94th B.G. ,Trans. to 1377th B.U, Grenier Field , 4185th B.U. Independence
J. 44-6509, B-17G-55-DL, Ass. to 748th B.S. 457th B.G 9-30-44 Trans to 4168th B.U. South Plains , Texas 6-13-45
K. 43-37538, B-17G-65-BO, Ass. 535th B.S, 381st B.G , "Wild Bill" , Ass. 4168th B.U., South Plains, Texas SOLD
A19. B-17 resin reproduction control yoke, with cap mount. (SOLD) A20. B-17 Flap Position Indicator ($150.00)
A21. Turret micro switch, B-17&B-29, used surplus, w/ bracket ($14.95)
A22. N-6 Gunsight, as used in B-17, N.O.S. Exc. Cond. (SOLD) A23. A-12 Oxygen regulators ($39.95)
A24 K-13 Gunsight Lamp Holder & Hsg., ($15.95)
A25. Gasket, collar. duct, air ($4.95 ea., 4 for $17.50)
A26. N-6 Gunsight Polarizing Shade ($49.95)
A-27 Flap Limit Switch ($16.95)
A-28 K-13 Control Knob Plastic shield, N.O.S. ($24.95)
A-29 Type AN270-16 U-joint, N.O.S., Flap track, bomb bay ($14.95 EA)
A-30 Spark plug, N.O.S., for use in R-1820-97 Type ($17.95 EA or QTY price)
A-31 K-13 Gunsight Polarizing Filter (mint $37.50, w/ separation $27.50)
A-32 Pilot and Copilot's sliding side windows, complete, nice, N.O.S., (pair, $595.00)
A-33 Crash Axe ($75.00)
A-34 ADF antenna - "football" ($90.00)
A-35 B-10 bomb shackles, N.O.S. (SOLD)
A-36 Pin, ring, and spring for bomb sling, N.O.S. ($14.00)
A-37 Thermocouple lead, inside tubing, N.O.S. ($15.95)
A-38 Starter cable, N.O.S. ($16.95)
A-39 Prop dome handle ($50.00)
A-40 Toggle switch extensions, mount on regular toggle switches for illumination ($4.95 EA)
A-41 Trailing antenna reel ($16.50)
A-42 N-8 Gunsight Polarizing Filter glass, used in B-17s ($18.00)
A-43 Original B-17 spark plug, N.O.S., new in tube, AC LS85, dated 1943 or 1944. For use or souvenir ($19.95)
A-44 Boeing B-17 grounding strap, N.O.S., for El. system ($14.95)
A-45 K-13 Gunsight Top section, with sight beads. Mounted on B-17 Waist gun. Less hood. (SOLD)
A-46 B-17 fire extinguisher control, repro, w/red handles and selector (no valves) For display panels. Nice. ($149.95)
A-47 Gibson Girl emergency radio shells, good for display ($30.00)
A-48 Antenna wire reel for Gibson Girl ($24.95)
A-49 B-17 Black A.D.F. antenna, (Football) ($250.00)
A-50 R1820 cylinder base bolts, N.O.S. (10 for $5.00)
A-51 ILS Indicator for Instrument Panel, cracked glass. ($25.00)
A-52 R1820 plugs, N.O.S. (10 for $2.50)
A-53 Link bag for .50 Cal. nice, canvas ($45.00)
A-54 C-1 formation stick w/o grip ($130.00)
A-55 Co-pilot's Slider, some etching ($135.00)
A-56 B-17 Control Yoke Cap Mount, original ($95.00)