Spotlight Items
NI 1. B-17F Cheek Gun Mount, Original as on True Memphis Belle. Repaired. $395.00
NI 2. Reproduction B-17 Overhead Compass Panels. Blank Only $95.00 With Instruments $295.00
1. Type D-2 Portable Oxygen "Walkaround" Bottle ($85.00)
2. C-345/RC-35 spark plugs,N.O.S ($9.95)
3. WW II Era Tool Box, with tray ($35.00)
4. AN4101(9135) engine driven fuel pump, core ($35.00)
5. AN5531 Tach generator, std.WWII good cond,surplus ( $35.00 ea.,2 for $60.00,3 for $75.00)
6. JH6 starter, good core ($200.00)
7. Voltage regulator P/N 1589 ($35.00)
8. Switch covers, red, surplus, good condition
A. marked Guns and Ammo ($25.00)
B. marked Hydraulics ($15.00)
C. "Starter" ($15.00)
D. "Fire Ext" ($15.00)
E. "Armament Master" ($20.00)
F. " Wing Radar Release" ($25.00)
G. marked Emergency ($15.00)
H. "Salvo" ($25.00)
9. Switch guard-channel style, marked,"Bombs-Off-Rockets" ($25.00)
10. Switch Box cover, similar to Curtiss, unmkd ($20.00)
11. Metal switch guard, marked "Armament Masters" ($15.00)
12. Switch guards marked "Steady-Off-Key", for IFF lights, have red, amber,and green
( $15.00 ea. all for $40.00 )
13. De Havilland Venom gun blast panels. Fuselage panel w/gun blast tubes. Perfect for nose art, or wall hanging ($235.00 ea.)
14. F-104 Starfighter nose gear door. Nice panel good for art also. ($150.00)
15. F-80 Shooting Star nose wheel gear doors nice data plate marked for F-80 or T-33 ($150.00)
16. Type A-5 Bomb release ($65.00)
17. Type B-10 Bomb shackles N.O.S (TOS)
18. B-17 Waist Gun S/S ammo chute (TOS)
19. Type N-6 Gun Camera ($85.00)
20. Type N-6 Gun Sight ($75.00)
21. F-80/T-33 Shooting Star rudder pedals ( pair S195.00)
22. F-86 Sabre Jet rudder pedals ( $125.00 ea. $225.00 pair )
23. F-104 Starfighter rudder pedals ( pair $175.00)
24. P-39 armor glass, frame only ($65.00)
25. Type G-1 Oxygen Bottle ($115.00) 26.Type C-14 Airspeed indicator, 0-300 ($85.00)
27. A-8 Cockpit lamp, marked Army Air Corps ($45.00)
28. P-39 Airacobra gun charging handles, for wing .30 cal., w/cable. ($100.00 ea. or 4 for $375.00)
29. J&H Gearbox, for handcrank inertia starter, w/ handcrank N.O.S ($135.00)
30. Type B-3 control unit, by Sperry ($65.00)
31. .30 cal Ammo box w/beveled bottom ,slight twkd ($55.00)
32. .30 cal. Ammo box w/flat bottom ($45.00)
33. .30 cal. Holder for ammo box ,slightly tweaked ($95.00)
34. .50 cal. Flash suppressors, B-17 chin or tail or B-24.As is, pair,rare original ($185.00)
35. P-40 gun charging handle N.O.S ( SOLD)
36. .50 cal. gun charging solenoid, for wing guns have 3 ( $50.00 ea.)
37. AN27IB16, flap track,bomb bay u-joint NOS ($14.00 ea.)
38. Ball Turret solenoid switch ($35.00)
39. Blue ceramic exhaust stacks, B-25 ( $65.00)
40. .50 cal. link ejectors ($45.00 short, $50.00 ea. long)
41. F-89 Scorpion tail fin cap ( $95.00)
42. Martin Turret, 50. cal . ammo booster motor ( $60.00 ea.)
43. Pump, fuel, Pesco, type F-4B, new in box w/tag SAC A.D, W/Helen Palmer, Insp. ($60.00) 44. Handcrank w/ 10in, ext, heavy duty ( $50.00)
45. Signal mirror, from survival kit, N.O.S in box ( $30.00)
46. Mounting tube for relief tube ($20.00)
47. Type BC-347C Interphone Amplifier ($40.00)
48. RE3ML6-2N Cowl flap, rod end bearing , surplus ($26.00 ea.)
49. 8 Day Clock Unmarked, needs service ($95.00)
50. 8 Day Clock numerals in Grn Yellow, needs service ($95.00) 51. PT-19 Fairchild rudder pedals (65.00 ea/$125.00 pair)
52. Pedigree parts
Pedigreed parts have original parts tags that identify the aircraft, giving serial number for that exact aircraft. You can research the history of that aircraft and have a true artifact . You might also find a photo or more history on the net.
A. F-86D Gun Camera ($95.00)
B. F-89D Scorpion wiper motor, finned unit, A/C S/N's 51-11364, 51-11365, 51-11376 ($39.95) C. B-24H 41-28652 A-1 oxygen flow indicator (red ball) ($50.00) D. B-24E 41-28652 A-3 oxygen flow indicator ( blinker) ($50.00) E.RB-24E 41-29018 A-1 oxygen flow indicator ( red ball) ($50.00) F. B-24D 42-72938 oxygen flow indicator ( blinker) (50.00)
G. P-70 Douglas Night fighter, S/N 39-749, tach, 0-35 ($75.00)
53. Flap limit switch, W/brkt ($20.00) 54. B-24 tail turret Hydraulic Reservoir ($85.00)
55. Martin 250CE turret azimuth/elevator knobs, N.O.S, black phenolic, B-24 etc. ($25.00) 56. Relief tube- when ya gotta go, ya gotta have one ($25.00)
57. B-17/B-29 control yoke microphone switches, original ( $17.95)
58. TBM Avenger Nose Bowl, in good condition, great display (SOLD)
59. Bendix chin turret operation manual for B-17, pocket size, in color by Bendix, ($25.00)
60. ADF " Football" antenna, std. WWII surplus ( $90.00)
61. Dual Magneto Switch used on B-17, B-25,and C-47s N.O.S ($119.00)
62. B-17 Flap Switch , P/N 8909K532 ($16.95)
63. Full size B&W blow up of instrument panel for B-17F, taken from an original Boeing print (TOS)
64. Jewell radio service kit in case ($37.50)
65. Regulator, continuous flow gauge, pressure, O2 ($37.50)
66. Relief tube mounting bracket, plastic ($16.95) 67. T-28 Trojan Canopy, pilot's sliding , good glass & frame ( $275.00)
68. A.A.F. Gas Cans (Useable $ 40.00 Display condition $ 30.00)
69. Life Vest Flasher, D cell, Red Top, clips to vest ($17.95) 70. Panels for painting aviation art:
A. C-124 Life Raft door ($195.00)
B. PB4Y Upper Hatch ($225.00)
C. Rudder Tip ($145.00) D. C-119 Pilot's Sliding Window ($95.00)
E. P-80/T-33 Nose Gear Door ($150.00) F. F-104 Nose Gear Door ($150.00)
G. DC-9 Passenger Window ($75.00)
H. B-17 Knockout windshield, less panel ($35.00)
I. B-17 W/S Knockout panel ($20.00)
J. S/S Exhaust Panel ($65.00)
K. B-17 Co-Pilot's Sliding Window (Fair $85.00, Good $135.00)
L. D.H. Venom/Vampire Gun Panel ($235.00)
M. A-26 Invader Spoiler Cover ($135.00) N. Various pieces of A/C skin ($135.00) O. North American Fillet panels (Long or Short $115.00)